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Heike Leather 21

What's better than 1 lady in leather? You've guessed it. 2! Heike and friend fully double decked in leather. I love women in lea...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Avengers Screencaps-"Homicide and Old Lace"(1969)

Oh my goodness, check out this episode of The Avengers - "Homicide and Old Lace"(1969) posted in Leather Beauty. I must watch them. Any tip-off of them in Youtube please?

I love woman in leather!


  1. I got these on dvd -whether they're on sale in Asia I'm not sure- youtube you won't find whole episodes anymore-but it may be on veehd or daily motion (I did post a old Emma Peel episode a few weeks ago) so you may find this one.

  2. Tara King's outfits were generally sweet but this one was awesome. She wore those same thighboots in several other episodes including her debut episode, dressed in a short sleeveless culotte and long leather gloves with the same fur jacket. Link to a screen grab below. I was smitten about eight years after this appearance when I met a young woman who wore the same culotte/thigh boot outfit on the street. Asked her out on the spot and told her why, and she said yes. Oh, baby. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M1d800ac710961b8262476cf11bf72da3o0&pid=15.1
